Whether the President has been
Democrat or Republican the result has been the same: more government, more
looting of Americans, more inflation, more police-state measures, more
unnecessary war, and more centralization of power. Ron Paul wrote in his book, The Revolution: A Manifesto, "With national bankruptcy
looming, politicians from both parties continue to make multi-trillion dollar
promises of 'free' goods from the government, and hardly a soul wonders if we
can still afford to have troops in - this is not a misprint - 130 countries
around the world." Every 4 years we face an election between only 2
candidates who hardly differ but pretend to represent dramatically different
philosophies of government. There will be a revolution needed to make a change.
Ron Paul on Civil Liberties:
When asked if he would legalize drugs and gay marriage, he
"My defense of liberty is the defense of their right to
practice their religion and say their prayers where they want and practice
their life. If you do not protect liberty across the board it's a 1st Amendment
type issue. We don't have a 1st Amendment so that we can talk about the
weather. We have the 1st Amendment so we can say very controversial things. So,
for people to say that yes we have our religious beliefs protected but people
who want to follow something else or a controversial religion you can’t do
this. If you have the inconsistency then you're really not defending liberty
but there are strict rules on freedom of choice of this sort because you can’t
hurt other people, you can’t defame other people. But, yes you have the right
to do things that are very controversial."
Ron Paul on Monetary
"You can't have a government like this without an income
tax but we don't want a government like this. This was not the kind of government
found by our founders of the country. It's not what was written in the
Constitution. We've only had an income tax since 1913. But, if you want a
welfare state and if you want to police the world and pay for the defense of
Japan and Germany, send foreign aid to the Soviet Union you not only need the
income tax you need the Federal Reserve to print up the money when the deficit
is accumulated. So, we think the government should be much smaller. If the
government is small then you don't need an Income tax."
Ron Paul on Foreign Policy:
"Going into Iraq and Afghanistan and threatening Iran is
the worst thing we could do for our national security. I am less safe, the
American people are less safe for this; it's the policy that is wrong. Tactical
movements and shifting troops around and taking in 30 more and reducing by 5,
totally irrelevant! We need a new foreign policy that says we ought to mind our
own business, bring our troops home, defend this country, defend our borders...
Ron Paul on Welfare:
"I don't have the right to steal from you because
somebody out in the street needs your help. You have an obligation personally
to help them but I don't have the right to interfere with your right to take
something from you and deliver it to somebody out on the street."
Ron Paul's Revolutionary aims have influenced masses of
people including 2012 Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson.
"His efforts have changed America; they've changed me," says Gov.
Johnson. I don't agree with all of Ron Paul's policies but I do agree that we
need to change the way America operates and it may take a Revolution to do so.
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